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Sunday, January 6, 2008

Aboriginal bid for $1b sorry compensation

Australia is a country that preaches human rights and is first to speak out on atrocities other nations have done or are doing. The truth be known is, its a country with little tolerence for people of different colour skin and cultures.

The media and government are once again are dividing the nation by talking to self appointed Indigenous Leaders who show disregard in taking responsibility in real task at hand of improving the social and well being of Indigenous people.

The Debate of Sorry and Compensation hits frontline news and the native title ownership is a debacle where Indigenous people can not make profit, sell or lease the land, while the big mining companies make millions dollars a day.

The lack of an organised Indigenous voice only show’s the loose canon approach of old blood and old ideas will continue to breed hatred, segregation and indifference as shown by the mainstream Australian people by information that is fed to them through major Australian media outlets.

Australian indigenous people are divided in their answers which has been created by the governments and media to keep us in poverty and while we stay in poverty the power of self determination and progression to better ourselves will controlled by the hidden white Australia policy that has not left us.

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